General Administrative Details

Routine Timings

  1. Classroom sessions will normally be conducted between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays.
  1. Notwithstanding the stated times, and based on emerging factors, participants may be required to work later hours (and, if necessary, on a Saturday) in order to successfully complete the programme schedules.


Attendance Requirements/Certification

  1. Due to the limited time available on the short courses held, REDTRAC will not support absence from classroom sessions for any reason except medical emergencies.
  1. To be eligible for the award of a Certificate at the end of a course, participants must satisfactorily complete all course assessments and must have completed a minimum of:
    • 80% of contact hours for 2-week courses
    • 100% of contact hours for 1-week courses
    • 100% attendance for CBT courses



  1. Nominating Authorities/Departments/Agencies are reminded that course nominees must be physically and medically fit to stay the duration of each course.
  1. Course participants requiring routine medication must bring an adequate supply of their prescription drugs to last the duration of the course.
  1. Basic First Aid supplies are available on the dormitory floor.


Computer  Prerequisites

  1. Nominating Authorities/Departments/Agencies are to note the following:
    • As a minimum requirement, each nominee must have a working knowledge of basic computer applications – Microsoft Office Suite; Word and PowerPoint are essential. In addition, nominees must have the ability to navigate web browsers to access information from various web sites as required for course purposes.
    • It is desirable that each nominee bring a laptop or tablet computer to REDTRAC as more course material is being provided to participants via CDs, on-line sources and other electronic means.