General Administrative Details

Nominee  Notifications

  1. Nominating Authorities/Departments/Agencies are required to submit the details of their nominees well in advance of the start-dates of the courses that are to be attended by their personnel.
  1. Submission deadlines are specified in the Joining Instructions issued ahead of each course.
  1. Nominee details must be on the prescribed Student Profile Form submitted to:

The Director Principal
Caribbean Regional Drug Law Enforcement Training Centre
Police Training Complex, Twickenham Park
P.O. Box 37, Spanish Town
St. Catherine, Jamaica W.I.
(Attention: Director, Student Affairs)
Telephone: (876) 943-9111, e-Mail:

  1. Direct contact can be made with the Director, Student Affairs at:

Tele:  (876) 943-9191, e-Mail:


Responsibilities Of Organizations

  1. Except in the case of sponsored courses, it is the responsibility of Nominating Authorities/Departments/Agencies to provide return airline passage, course fees, per diem and a contingency fund to participants arriving for courses at REDTRAC.


Course Costs

  1. Courses are of one, two or three weeks duration and Course Fees are charged for accommodation, meals, tuition, practical exercises, training manuals, handouts and other associated training expenses.
  1. The current1 fee structures, per participant, are as indicated at column heads below:
‘A’ ‘B’ ‘C’
The  PFSO  Course All Other Courses Sponsored Courses

US$30.00 per day x 10*


US$25.00 per day x 10*

Rates/Fees as negotiated between REDTRAC and the sponsor/sponsors will apply.

US$30.00 per day x 10*


US$25.00 per day x 10*


US$20.00 per day x 10*


US$10.00 per day x 10*

Administrative Costs


Administrative Costs


1Fee Structures are subject to change.

*Regular tuition days.