The ‘Community of Practice’ served by REDTRAC is as wide and as varied as the Crests and Logos shown here. (Images are placed in alphabetical order based on the leading letters in the name/title.)

Anguilla Customs Department

Anguilla Financial Intelligence Unit

Antigua and Barbuda Customs and Excise

Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force

Antigua and Barbuda Immigration Department

Antigua and Barbuda Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy

Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority

Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police

Bahamas Custom

Barbados Defence Force

Barbados Port Inc

Belize Customs and Excise

Belize Defence Force

Belize Police Department

Bermuda Police Service

British Virgin Islands HM Customs

British Virgin Islands Ports Authority

Caribbean Financial Action Task Force


Cayman Islands Customs

Cayman Islands Financial Reporting Authority

Grand Bahama Port Authority

Grenada Port Authority

Guyana Defence Force

Guyana Maritime Administration Department

Guyana Police Force

Guyana Revenue Authority

Jamaica – Department of Correctional Services

Jamaica – Passport, Immigration and Citizenship Agency

Jamaica – Port Authority

Jamaica – Ports Security Corps Limited

Jamaica Constabulary Force

Jamaica Customs Agency

Jamaica Defence Force

Jamaica Fire Brigade

Montseratt Port Authority

Port Authority of the Cayman Islands

Regional Security System

Royal Anguilla Police Force

Royal Bahamas Defence Force

Royal Bahamas Police Force

Royal Barbados Police Force

Royal Cayman Islands Police

Royal Grenada Police Force

Royal Montserrat Police

Royal Police Force Antigua and Barbuda

Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force

Royal St. Lucia Police Force

Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force

Royal Turks and Caicos Police

Royal Virgin Islands Police Force

St. Christopher Air and Seaports Authority

St. Kitts and Nevis Customs Department

St. Kitts and Nevis Defence Force

St. Lucia Air and Seaports Authority

St. Lucia Customs and Excise

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Customs and Excise

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Financial Intelligence Unit

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Port Authority

Suriname Police Force

The CARICOM Secretariat

Trinidad & Tobago Police Service

Trinidad and Tobago Customs and Excise Divison

Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force

Trinidad and Tobago Financial Intelligence Unit

Trinidad and Tobago Port Authority

Turks and Caicos Islands Customs Department