Instructor Training and Development Course (ITDC)

  1. The Course is designed to develop the teaching capabilities of participants enabling them to teach any given subject at the recruit, in-service and other levels within the organization. The training will be premised on the constructivist learning approach and, on successful completion, participants will leave with enhanced knowledge, skills and abilities equipped to return to their respective Departments/Agencies as effective trainers.
  2. Target Group: Personnel from all branches/services (Police, Military, Customs, Port Security, Coast Guard, etc.) employed in or shortly to be posted to training units or otherwise involved in the dissemination of training.
  3. The Curriculum: The Adult Learning Cycle, Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning, Training Methods and Delivery, Lesson Planning, Audio Visual Aids, Assessment of self and others, Conflict Management, Ethical role model of the trainer, Handling Difficult Situations, Computer Skills (basic and the essentials to training presentations), Objective Setting, the Domain of Learning. Practicals will involve a series of Teaching Practises (TPs) covering various law enforcement subject areas.